For the first time after the inclusion of the Caspian seal in the Red Book of Kazakhstan, scientists will study the health and habitat of the animal.
The expedition was organized by the Center for the Research and Rehabilitation of the Caspian Seal in Aktau and the Central Asian Institute for Environmental Research (CAIEI) and is the fifth in a row to be conducted by the organizations.
The research vessel CAIEI left the port of Aktau and headed for Bautino and headed for Komsomolets Bay (Durnev Islands).
As part of the expedition, chemists, microbiologists, ichthyologists, veterinarians, specialist of the Fish Inspection Department for the Mangistau region of the RSU Zhayik-Caspian Interregional Basin Inspection of Fisheries of the Fisheries Committee of the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan leads the research Adylkhan Tovasarov, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Director of the Caspian seal research and rehabilitation center in Aktau.
Scientific research involves the collection of biomaterials, as well as the examination of animals. Seals in need of medical assistance will be sent for treatment to the Center for the Study and Rehabilitation of the Caspian Seal at CAIEI.
“Based on the results of the expedition, we expect to receive data that will allow us to develop a series of recommendations for companies operating in the Caspian Sea, which will minimize the impact on the sea ecosystem. In the future, it is planned to equip a group of animals with satellite transmitters to study migration routes, ”Aselle Tasmagambetova, head of the“ Caspian seal ”project, ecologist, founder of CAIEI, shared her plans.
Chemists, microbiologists, ichthyologists, veterinarians, a specialist of the Fish Inspection Directorate for the Mangistau region of the RSU Zhaiyk-Caspian Interregional Basin Inspection of Fisheries of the Committee of Fisheries of the Ministry of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan leads the research Adylkhan Tovassarov, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Director of the Caspian seal Research and Rehabilitation Center in Aktau.