Study tour for students of the Caspian University of Technology and Engineering named after Sh.Esenova was organized at the Center for the Study and Rehabilitation of the Caspian Seal (Center).
Future ecologists, second-year students of the Yessenov University, plan to engage in population restoration and conservation of the Caspian seal.
Young specialists presenting themselves as volunteers and defenders of the biodiversity of the Caspian, therefore they came to the Center to study ways to save and rehabilitate the Red Book animal.
During the excursion, the students were introduced to the work of the Center, also they were told what kind of care, treatment and diet, first of all, are necessary for the recovery of weakened animals.
For 2 years of operation of the Center for the Study and Rehabilitation of the Caspian Seal, 35 endemics of the Caspian Sea were examined and 14 were rescued, after the rescue the endemics were returned to their natural habitat.