The laboratory of the Central Asian Institute for Environmental Research have denied the beneficial properties of seal’s fat which are sold in Aktau markets. Analyzing the experimental data, the scientists concluded that the fat of the Caspian seal has not only medicinal properties, but also poses a threat to human health. The results of laboratory studies […]
Seal is preparing for a big swim
A little more than three weeks have passed since the seal entered at our Center. Before that, it was severely exhausted, dehydrated and helpless. All this time we provided the necessary veterinary assistance. Thanks to this, the seal is noticeably progressing every day, gaining weight and getting ready for a big swim. Now its weight […]
Seal’s first swim and first fish
2 weeks have passed since a baby seal is at the Center for the research and rehabilitation of the Caspian seal in the Aktau city. The baby seal started to swim and fishing on its own since yesterday in the pool. The weight has reached 7 kg and baby seal is gaining weight steadily (when […]
Another patient of the Center!
On March 29, 2021 at 10.00 a.m. Aktau time, a call came from residents about the discovery of a seal in Bautino on the coastal zone. According to eyewitnesses, the seal was there for 2 days. The Center’s specialists immediately went to the place where the seal was found, an initial on-site examination was carried […]
The Caspian Seal Research&Rehabilitation Centre in cooperation with Central Asian Ecology Institute (CAIER) continues the work dedicated to preserving the unique animal. We went to another scientific expedition to plan the conservation efforts and research the seal population. Science teams of CAIER and Caspian Seal R&R Centre went to the new marine expedition. It lasted […]
Assessment of the current state of the Caspian Sea and the Caspian seal habitat analysis
Aselle I. Tasmagambetova1, Adylkhan D.Tovassarov1, Anne-Claire Bihan-Poudec2,Sharipa S. Bissariyeva1, Aslan B. Akberliyev1 1 Central Asian Institute for Ecological Research LLP, Almaty, Kazakhstan 2 Independent Center for investigation and Appraisal in organic Chemistry, Cuers, France Abstract. This article is devoted to the determination of heavy metals and harmful organic compounds in sea water – the habitat […]
Caspian seal considered for INCLUSION in the republic’s red book
The media drew attention to the widespread dieoff of seals on the Kazakhstan territory of the Caspian sea coast. The reaction of people who are not indifferent to this problem was swift. The Ministry of ecology, Geology and natural resources approved the inclusion of Caspian seals in the Red book of Kazakhstan. The initiative to […]